Welcome to Tanja's homepage
This page appeared first in August 2003, as I wanted to share immediately my experience with SuSE 8.1 Linux on Dell Inspiron 4150, because I had benefited a lot of the writings of the others.
In the meantime, some more content has been added, and some of it should be archived soon.
I am keeping up to date the page with my publication list.
About me
Originating from a beautiful country, I am living and working in another beautiful country. I spent also 15 unforgettable months of my life in Japan - I should put many attributes here, but I'm in a hurry now.
I graduated in Electrical Engineering and got my MSc at the University of Belgrade (at that time, in the capital of my lovely good old Yugoslavia). Then I moved to Lausanne, where I was working for some years in the Power System Lab of the EPFL. After finishing my PhD there, I landed in Amagasaki, with Advanced Technology R&D Center of Mitsubishi Electric for a 15-month post-doc stay. After that, I came back to the good, old continent - to Switzerland again.
Since 1999, I've been enjoying my work as a principal scientist in ABB Corporate Research in Baden-Daettwil.
I am a member of IEEE PES and IEEE Computer Societies, and a professional member of ACM.
I used to be a working member of Cigre working groups WG C2 (System operation and control) and WG D2-24 (EMS Architecture for the 21st century within Information systems and telecommunication).
I have been very active in development of various IEC TC57 standards, especially as a DCIM UML model manager and editor of several editions of IEC 61968-11 (CIM distribution extensions), and as an IEC 61850 UML model manager for 5+ years. I am still expert in three IEC TC57 working groups (WG14, WG13 and WG10), and a voting member of the IEC TC57 Swiss National Committee.
For supporting my UML model management activities, I had once upon a time developed a tiny java application, jCleanCim - to keep our CIM UML clean. It has continously been growing bigger to accommodate similar needs for IEC 61850 UML model management and some pretty high document generation requirements... It has been my main free time eater for a while.
Today I try to spend some more of my free time away from computer screens and with more relaxing activities, such as knitting and crocheting.