I love eclipse
I think I am not the only one who felt in love with eclipse - read here the 10 reasons to use it.
After having worked with this beauty, it is so difficult to fall down to M$ Visual Studio .NET... I honestly hope that, either some serious C# plug-in will become available for eclipse, or that M$ will copy some of so genious features of eclipse for the next version of their IDE (as they well copied so much from java).
For the time being, there are just two pages:
- With eclipse (and all of its plug-ins), I found quite hairy to grasp how the projects and the file system go with each other: what is copied, what is linked, where, etc. With the versions prior to 2.1.1, there were just two ways to create projects (in the workspace or under a folder in the file system). From version 2.1.1, there are many more. These are nicely described in eclipse (JDT) help, which I shamelessly copied into a document, and reformatted so that I can have 1 printed page for each (except for the last one).
- Recently, I had to migrate a Rational Rose model to Rational XDE for Java (and C++), which is a plug-in of eclipse. It was all but easy, but I managed to do it. Here you can find how.
More will probably come in the future.