My list of publications

There are several sites / social networks that propose to host this kind of material, but those come and go and it is not practical for me to keep them all up to date. I try to maintain (my) master list here - bots will do the rest...

Book chapters

  1. T. Kostic, M. Goodrich, S. Neumann, M. Stanislawski, "IEC 61968: Integration of distribution systems". In "Smart Grid Handbook, Vol.2", C.C. Liu, S. McArthur, S.J. Lee (editors). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, May 2016; pp.???-???.[book reference]
  2. T. Kostic, D. Dzung, A. Timbus, "Communication needs and solutions for the deployment of Demand Response". In "Integration of Demand Response into the Electricity Chain: Challenges, Opportunities and Smart Grid Solutions", A. Losi, P. Mancarella, A. Vicino (editors). Wiley-ISTE, November 2015 (ISBN: 978-1-84821-854-3); pp.133-165; 275-285. [book reference]
  3. C. Rehtanz, T. Kostic, M. Naedele, "Implementation of Autonomous Systems," in Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Agents in Power System Control and Operation, C. Rehtanz, Ed. Springer-Verlag 2003, pp. 17-34. [book reference]
  4. T. Kostic, R. Cherkaoui, P. Pruvot, A. J. Germond, "Decision Aid Function for Restoration of Transmission Power Systems: Conceptual Design and Real Time Considerations," in Power System Restoration: Methodologies & Implementation Strategies, M. M. Adibi, Ed., Wiley-IEEE Press, 2000, pp. 553-559. [book reference]

Journals (or equivalent)

  1. M. Power, A. Bose, T. Kostic, F. Matos, I. Naicker, J. Mueller, G. Sztrada on behalf of Working Group C2.11, "System Control in Light of Recent Developments in Substation Control (IEC Standards)", Cigre Technical Brochure 405, February 2010. [abstract]
  2. T. Kostic, N. Cukalevski, Data exchange issues within the power system operation and control environment - A Benchmark Questionnaire Survey, on the behalf of Cigre WG C2.01, Cigre Technical Brochure 356, 2008. [abstract]
  3. T. Kostic, O. Preiss, C. Frei, "Understanding and Using the IEC 61850: A Case for Meta-Modelling," Elsevier Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol. 27/6, pp. 679-695, 2005. [abstract]
  4. T. Kostic, N. Lahner, W. Wimmer, "Integration als Schluessel zu Asset Management," Bulletin SEV/VSE, no. 24/25, 2002, pp. 13-17 (in German only). [paper]
  5. J. H. La Grange, T. Kostic, The Needs and Environment of Control Centre Operators during Power System Restoration - A Benchmark Questionnaire Survey, on the behalf of Cigre WG39-01, Cigre Technical Brochure 208, August 2002. [abstract]
  6. T. Kostic, J.-J. Alba, A. J. Germond, "Optimization and Learning of Load Restoration Strategies," International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 20, no. 2, February 1998, pp. 131-140. [abstract]
  7. T. Kostic, R. Cherkaoui, P. Pruvot, A. J. Germond, "Decision Aid Function for Restoration of Transmission Power Systems: Conceptual Design and Real Time Considerations," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 13, no. 3, August 1998, pp. 923-929. [abstract]


  1. T. Kostic, C. Effantin, E. Lambert, "How to increase interoperability in European SmartGrid projects? The ADDRESS experience regarding model driven integration based on international standards", 2nd IEEE ENERGYCON Conference & Exhibition, 2012, Florence, Italy, 9-12 September, 2012, pp. 715-720. [abstract]
  2. L. Guise, T. Kostic, Th. Coste, H. Dawidczak, D. Francesconi, E. Lambert, C. Rodriguez, H. Sabot, J. Stein, J. Trefke, "UML - An on-Going Great Step Forward in Improving IEC Smart Grid Standardisation Processes", PAC World conference 2012, Budapest, 25 - 28 June 2012. [conference report; abstract/paper/proceedings link TODO]
  3. C. Franke, T. Kostic, K. Von Sengbusch, I. Stoyanova, "On the necessary information exchange and coordination in distribution smart grids - experience from the MeRegio pilot", Cigre 2011 Bologna Symposium, Bologna, Italy. 13 - 15 September 2011, Paper 323. [abstract]
  4. T. Kostic, Ch. Frei, "Modelling and using IEC 61850-7-2 (ACSI) as an API," PowerTech 2007, Lausanne, 1-5 July, 2007. [abstract]
  5. Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, "An Advanced Alarm Processor using Two-level Processing Structure," PowerTech 2007, Lausanne, 1-5 July, 2007. [paper | abstract]
  6. Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, "The Dynamic Utilization of Substation Measurements to Maintain Power System Observability," IEEE 2006 PES Power System Conference and Exposition, pp. 1699-1704, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, October-November 2006. [paper | abstract]
  7. Y. Wu, M. Kezunovic, T. Kostic, "Cost Minimization in Power System Measurement Placement," 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON 2006), Changqing, China, October 2006. [paper | abstract]
  8. Otto Preiss, Tatjana Kostic, "Unified Information Models in Support of Location Transparency for Future Utility Applications", in Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 4-7, 2006, Kauai, Hawaii. [abstract]
  9. T. Kostic and N. Cukalevski, on behalf of Cigre WGC2.01, "Data exchange issues within the power system operation and control environment", CIGRE-IEEE PES Symposium on Congestion management in a market environment, October 05-07, 2005, San Antonio, USA, paper 507. [abstract]
  10. M. Kezunovic, T Djokic, T. Kostic, "Robust Topology Determination Based on Additional Substation Data from IEDs", PowerTech 2005, Sankt Petersburg, June 2005, paper 645. [paper | abstract]
  11. T. Kostic, C. Frei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, "Scenarios for Data Exchange using Standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61850", Proceedings of the 27th Symposium of Juko Cigre, Zlatibor, Serbia & Montenegro, May 29 - June 3, 2005, paper R D2-03 (in Serbian: "Mogući načini razmjene podataka korišćenjem standarda IEC 61970 i IEC 61850") [paper]
  12. M. Kezunovic, T. Djokic, T. Kostic, "Automated Monitoring and Control Using New Data Integration Paradigm," Proc. of HICSS-38, January 3-6, 2005, Big Island, Hawaii. [paper | abstract]
  13. O. Preiss, T. Kostic, C. Frei, "Data Communications Standards: A Case for the UML," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3297 / 2005, <<UML>> 2004 Satellite Activities, N.J. Nunes et al. (Eds.): pp. 175 - 186, February 2005. [abstract]
  14. T. Kostic, C. Frei, O. Preiss, M. Kezunovic, "Scenarios for Data Exchange using Standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61850," presented to the UCA User Group, Cigre 2004, Paris, France, September 2004. [paper]
  15. T. Kostic, "Asset Management in Electrical Utilities: How Many Facets It Actually Has," in Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE PES General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 13-17 July, 2003, vol.1, pp. 275-281. [abstract]
  16. C. Yuen, T. Kostic, "IT Applications for Asset Management: Disturbance Records as Support for AM Processes," presented at the 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech Conference, Bologna, Italy, 23-26 June, 2003, IEEE paper 0-7803-7967-5/03. [abstract]
  17. T. Kostic, O. Preiss, C. Frei, "Towards the Formal Integration of Two Upcoming Standards: IEC 61970 and IEC 61850," in Proc. of the 2003 LESCOPE Conference, Montreal, Canada, 7-9 May, 2003, pp. 24-29. [abstract]
  18. T. Kostic, J. H. La Grange, "Power System Restoration: The Needs and Environment of Control Centre Operators," in Proc. of the 2003 Juko-Cigre SC22 Colloquium on Overhead Lines Revitalization, Belgrade, May 6-10, 2003, paper R2-02.
  19. C. Vetter, T. Werner, T. Kostic, "Building an asset management system for electric utilities on a component-based environment," in Proc. of the 2000 International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon 2000), Perth, Australia, December 2000, pp. 241-245. [abstract]
  20. T. Werner, C. Vetter, T. Kostic, V. Lohmann, "Data Exchange in Asset Management Applications for Electric Utilities using XML," in Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM 2000), Hong-Kong, October 2000, vol. 1, pp. 220-224. [abstract]
  21. S. Draber, E. Gelle, T. Kostic, O. Preiss, U. Schluchter, "How operation data help manage life cycle costs," Cigre 2000, Paris, France, August 2000, paper 23/39-02. [paper]
  22. T. Kostic, R. Cherkaoui, P. Pruvot, A. J. Germond, "Decision Aid Function for Restoration of Transmission Power Systems: Conceptual Design and Real Time Considerations," in Proc. of the 20th IEEE Conference on Power Industry Computer Applications (PICA'97) , May 11-16, 1997, Columbus, Ohio, USA, pp. 112-118. [abstract]
  23. T. Kostic, J.-J. Alba, A. J. Germond, "Optimization and Learning of Load Restoration Strategies," in Proc. of the 12th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC'96) , August 1996, Dresden, Germany, pp. 276-284. [paper]


  1. L.O. Osterlund, K. Hunter, K. Demaree, M. Goodrich, A. McMorran, B. Iverson, T. Kostic, "CIM - Under the hood", IEEE Power & Engineering Magazine, Vol. 14, Number 1, January/February 2016, pp.??-??. [likely link for the future magazine]
  2. C. Franke, T. Kostic, S. Kautsch, B. Buchholz, A. Slupinski, "Head Smart", ABB Review 3/13, pp.44-46, October 2013. [paper]
  3. Ch. Frei, H. Kirrmann, T. Kostic, T. Maeda, M. Obrist, "Speed and quality: Shifting into high gear with IEC 61850-based substation engineering", ABB Review 4/2007, 38-41. [paper]
  4. C. Frei, T. Kostic, "More than meets the eye: Beyond IEC 61850 as a pure communications standard", ABB Review 4/2006, 30-33. [paper]


  1. T. Kostic, "Decision Aid Function for Restoration of Transmission Power Systems After a Blackout," Ph.D. dissertation no. 1702, Dept. El. Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), 1997. [abstract | thesis]
  2. T. Kostic, "Dynamic Simulator as a Part of an Expert System for Power System Restoration," M.Sc. dissertation, Dept. El. Engineering, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, 1994 (in English and in Serbian/Croatian).

Technical Reports

  1. T. Kostic, F. Kantz "Semantics in the Power domain: Active Sites - Communication", TR ABB CH-RD 2015-278, November 2015.
  2. D. Ishchenko, A. Oudalov, A. Brissette, T. Kostic, "New MicrogridManagement Functions: Global Microgrid Standardization", TR ABB CH-RD 2015-219, March 2015.
  3. C. Effantin, T. Kostic, E. Lambert, "Documentation of Software Architecture and encoding in UML including compiled software with API description - Models for interoperable information exchanges between ADDRESS actors", FP7 - Cooperation / Energy Programme, ADDRESS Project, Report number D4.1, May 31, 2011. [report]
  4. T. Kostic, C. Franke, "Proposal for modelling of wind power in CIM," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 9ADB001634-013, December 2009.
  5. T. Kostic, "Distribution network models," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2004-4, April 2004.
  6. O. Preiss, T. Kostic, C. Frei, "The major abstractions and models of IEC 61850," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2003-26, November 2003.
  7. C. Frei, T. Kostic, O. Preiss, "Automatic conversion of data files between two XML-based standards in the utility domain," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2003-8, March 2003.
  8. C. Frei, T. Kostic, O. Preiss, "An introduction to the Resource Description Framework," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2003-7, March 2003.
  9. T. Kostic, "Technical Asset Management in Electrical Utilities," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2003-4, February 2003.
  10. T. Kostic, "Transmission Power System Restoration," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CH-RD 2002-1, January 2002.
  11. M Greiner, T. Kostic, Th. Werner, C. Vetter, "BTE Power Utility Asset Management," ABB Corporate Research, 5405 Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland, TR ABB CHCRC 2001-5, February 2001.

Selected Invited Presentations / Talks

  1. "Loesungen aus CIM-Sicht: ein Ueberblick ueber konkrete Anwendungen", DKE/VDE Workshop "CIM in der Praxis", Frankfurt/Main, Germany (October 14, 2015).
  2. "Standardisation efforts in IEC TC57 with emphasis on Distribution", Invited presentation at PowerTage 2006, "Day 1: Innovative Solutions for Transmission and Distribution", Zurich, Switzerland (May 9-11, 2006).
  3. "System Restoration: Operators Perspective and Supporting Tools", Invited lecturer at course "Understanding and managing power systems blackouts", organised by Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership, EES-UETP, Lausanne, Switzerland (March 27-29, 2006).
  4. "Scenarios for Data Exchange using Standards IEC 61970 and IEC 61850", Invited paper at the UCA User Group meeting, Cigre 2004, Paris, France (September 1, 2004).
  5. "Application of Genetic Algorithm Optimization to Restoration of Transmission Power System", Invited lecturer at course "Applications of Modern Techniques to EMS/DMS Systems: Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Sets", organised by EES-UETP, Porto, Portugal (October 13-15, 1997).


  1. (application) C. Vetter, Th. Werner, L. Gulli, E. Svensson, T. Kostic, Generating a unique representation of physical assets, WO2006119652 A1, May 2005.
  2. (application) Th. Werner, C. Vetter, L. Gulli, E. Svensson, T. Kostic, Maintaining data consistency between integrated applications, WO2006119651 A1, May 2005.
  3. (application) Ch. Frei, O. Preiss, T. Kostic, Method and system for bi-directional data conversion between iec 61970 and iec 61850, WO2006017944 A1, August 2004.
  4. (application) C. Vetter, T. Kostic, Th. Werner, Asset information exchange, US20020083102 A1, October 2001.
  5. (application) C. Vetter, T. Kostic, Th. Werner, Maintenance planning system and method, US20020049563 A1, October 2001.


  1. (in Serbo-Croatian) T. Kostic, "TODO title". In "Cudesna moc zene, knjiga 2", Trivo Zolak (editor). TODO publisher, TODO year; pp.???-???.